Posts tagged ‘naomi quiñonez’

Saturday, 15 June 2024

The New Warsaw Ghetto by Naomi Quiñonez

The new Warsaw ghetto
is around the corner
on the Texas Mexico
border down the street
on the California border
the Arizona border

Publicly financed
corporately owned
government operated
enclaves of despair

The new Warsaw ghetto
in the not so good ole USA
in detention camps
in cages in isolated
windowless prisons
driven like spikes
into the southern border

In the new Warsaw ghetto
children are torn from
their families
and warehoused
like like animals
Shivering under
aluminum covers
or left to sleep on
unforgiving streets

In the new Warsaw ghetto
tear gas smothers
and the feds de-mother,
thousands of refugee children.

They are red meat
for the haters
for men of means.
and for mean men.


Date: 2020

By: Naomi Quiñonez (19??- )