Archive for October 3rd, 2023

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

The Nightflies by Sheree Renée Thomas

I remember the place
where nightflies sing like stars
their gilded wings reflect
the dark moon’s glide
metallic shimmer, rhythmic hum
beat out a windblown pattern
foretell melodic monsoons
and electric rain showers

Always they came in the monsoon nights
the clouds angry and invisible
in the luminous sky, the submerged fields
lit by black lightning, its lingering
sulphuric smell a pheromone
the air heavy with the scent of storms
that do not break
the skies grown dense, exhale anticipation

And suddenly the night air
would be gauze wings, silent
inevitable as desire
how the light
caught the dark gleam of bodies
pale arcs plunging to fire
that brief gossamer blaze
like hearts that love only when burned

Mornings after the storm
my sisters would sweep out
piles of pale wings,
torn and shimmerless . . .

I remember the wet trembling
when we were like nightflies
blind bodies crawling
antlike in desperate circles
flung out in deep space
searching for the flame.


Date: 2014

By: Sheree Renée Thomas (1972- )