Archive for January 23rd, 2020

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Love is a Lonely Territory by Pitambar Naik

It’s tensed with a hyphen; the stardust of mahua plateau
home to your laughter; have you ever noted it?

Down your poliomyelitis, in the civil war era, my peace is a refugee
it strands desperately just as a few wingless waves.

Love is a lonely territory fenced by dots and garnished in brackets
the endocrine bliss of the holy hymns clot in your appendix.

The semi razzmatazz of a gloomy evening peeps as an enigma
frankly speaking that’s a coffin of the bronze age
the creamy hymn on your lips
at bedtime the familiar rhapsodies ooze from Radha’s Vrindavan.

Does peace wear the new costumes to sit across the table warmly?
Letting the kisses touch the tears of love and barbed fear
at last we ask each other to water our righteousness to blossom
around 300 kilometers now to go further the borders.


Date: 2019

By: Pitambar Naik (19??- )