Archive for February 8th, 2015

Sunday, 8 February 2015

The Perversitie of his Inclinationes Throu Love by Alexander Montgomerie (with rough translation by flusteredduck)

My fansie feeds vpon the sugred gall;
Against my will, my weill does work my wo;
My cairfull chose does chuse to keep me thrall;
My frantik folie fannis vpon my fo:
My lust alluirs my licorous lippis to taist
The bait vharin the suttle hook is plaic’t.

My hungry hope doth heap my hevy hap;
My syndrie sutes procuris the mair disdane;
My stedfast steppis jit slydis into the trap;
My tryed treuth intanglis me in trane:
I spy the snair, and will not bakuards go;
My resone jeelds, and jit sayis na thairto.

In plesand path I tred vpon the snaik;
My flamming thrist I quench with venemous wyne;
In daintie dish I do the poyson tak;
My langour bids me rather eit nor pyne:
I sau, I sett — no flour nor fruit I find;
I prik my hand, jit leavis the rose behind.

The Perversity of his Inclinations Through Love by Alexander Montgomerie (roughly translated by flusteredduck)

My fancy feeds upon the sugared gall;
Against my will, my welfare does work my woe;
My careful choice does choose to keep me in thrall;
My frantic folly fawns upon my foe:
My lust lures my lecherous lips to taste
The bait wherein the subtle hook is placed.

My hungry hope heaps my heavy fate;
My sundry suits procure more disdain;
My steadfast step yet slides into the trap;
My tried truth entangles me in danger:
I spy the snare, and will not backwards go;
My reason yields, and yet says no thereto.

In pleasant path I tread upon the snake;
My flaming thirst I quench with venomous wine;
In dainty dish I do the poison take;
My languor bids me sooner eat then pine:
I saw, I sat – no flower nor fruit I find;
I prick my hand, yet leave the rose behind.

From: Montgomerie, Alexander and Cranstoun, James (ed.), The Poems of Alexander Montgomerie, 1887, William Blackwood and Sons: Edinburgh and London, p. 176.

Date: c1590

By: Alexander Montgomerie (c1550-1598)